Thursday, August 23, 2012

lavender lighthouse

credit: Max Janoff

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

ruby edwina

ruby edwina, born unto a horse farmer & his loca wife, read about Jacques Cousteau in the 2nd grade. she invited him to dinner each night. Jacques would discuss with her his invention of the aqualung, among other topics like: garlic, sharks, and fate. ms. ruby sensed early on that water would rule her life, that she’d prefer to cut loose the crap, and drink her drinks with straws.

ruby grew and grew quickly,
house made of glass,
eggshells as roof and floor.
water filled her dreams and tummy ~
Jacques whispered, "patience," from time to time.

* * *

so so so many years later, ruby bought herself a puppy and named him river. it wasn’t long after that she fell in love with two things besides her pup: the strong and furry being of her dreams, a pineapple king ... and Costa Rica, land of the blue butterflies. after nights of restlessness in her newfound jungletown, Jacques dropped in to visit ruby edwina. he smiled quite seriously,

and showed her city lights
inside his hands.
ruby left her bed and sat
upon Jacques’s winged jaguar,
who nibbled on hibiscus flowers,

and knew the best route back.

: copyright : kelly shaw willman, 
2012-forever : 
: written in Punta Uva, Costa Rica :


Saturday, May 19, 2012

fotoshoot w/ Statia

these images belong to Statia Grossman 
and kelly shaw willman, 
copyright 2012-forever.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

performance images

recently re-touched images from my body of work
copyright kelly shaw willman, 2012-forever

Thursday, February 16, 2012

inner-beach: performance art shoot

title: inner-beach
what: performance art photoshoot
artist: kelly shaw willman
photographer: Carlos Ramirez
location: planet Brooklyn
copyright: 2012-forever

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Art Archives: February-June 2017

in this blog article, i share my personal creative work since  SOUL SEED GATHERING  in Guatemala this past February 2017, and through early...